Monday, June 30, 2008

A Worthwhile Scene

I have worked hard during my life time. I have put in long hours, been responsible for large organizations and projects. I have not gotten rich, but in the scheme of things would be considered fairly well off. From time to time I think about the effort and what makes that effort worthwhile. Well, yesterday a scene brought home the lesson of worth again.

I was mowing the grass at our home in Arkansas. Terry and I have worked quite hard keeping our property looking clean and neat. As I was in the section of the lawn on the east side Terry and her beloved Grandson Sam strolled down to the garden where we've planted some blueberry bushes. The bushes are new this year, but had some berries on them when we purchased the plants in the spring. We've enjoyed some berries in our breakfast cereal over the past few weeks. Sam and Terry stopped and pick a small plate they had brought with them and had a few blueberries on the plate. Then as I kept on mowing, they strolled across the yard to the black berry stand and proceeded to harvest perhaps a pint of fresh black berries. All the while talking and carrying on some conversation that takes place between grand parent and grand son.

As I watched the scene unfold in front of me I thought about the hard work I've done and the effort we make and this is just another example of why we do that. The scene of Terry, obviously enjoying her grandson's company and strolling about our property picking blue berries and black berries will join those events that occur from time to time that remind me that our effort is worthwhile.

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