Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The end of 2007

Today an old twinge hit my tummy. I recall when I was a little kid that when the new year began I would get a little twinge in my stomach when I realized that Christmas and the holiday season were finally gone. It was a twinge of loss and sadness that the joy, the color, the music and of course the gifts were over. I have always gotten sentimental over the holidays, even when there was not much to get sappy over. A year ago at this time I was facing serious abdominal surgery that resulted in the removal of a cancerous polyp from my colon. Even then it was a good holiday. Today I was going back to work. The holiday was OK. Yet there it was, that old twinge that signifies the end of a oft repeated season. It was kind of like an old friend's brief visit regardless of the emotion. As a child I remember having to put my toys away and get ready for school. I never liked school. I thought no better job existed in the world than being a kid and exploring the neighborhood, the hills around our neighborhood, the lake shore, anything out doors was better than school. Oh well, I still kind of enjoy that twinge even though it tends to be a little melancholy. Welcome 2008.

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